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Bowel Nosodes

Writer's picture: JenJen

There is a great deal of research focusing on gut health recently. It’s been found that the bacteria in the gut is so important it’s now often referred to as a second brain.

There’s an entire ecosystem in there! It’s truly fascinating. The direct link between the brain and the gut can influence a myriad of things, ranging from the obvious- hunger, food preferences, gut motility, and metabolism- to the not-so-obvious- stress levels, behavior, cognitive function, immunity, and pain sensitivity. Given this information, we can see how essential it is to have a healthy gut microbiome.

What happens if our gut microbiome is out of balance? Here’s a short list from the Cleveland Clinic:

*Anxiety and depressive disorders.

*Noncardiac chest pain.

*Infant colic.

*Functional dyspepsia.

*Functional dysphagia.



*Chronic stress.

*Chronic fatigue.

*Chronic pain.

*Visceral hypersensitivity.


*Neurodevelopmental disorders, like autism.

*Neurodegenerative disorders, like Parkinson’s disease.

*Nerve-related pain disorders, like multiple sclerosis.

What can homeopathy do about this? As it turns out, quite a lot.

A constitutional remedy addresses the whole person, and as a part of that, the gut also improves. But what if the main issue a person is experiencing seems directly related to the gut? Enter bowel nosodes.

Bowel nosodes were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach and John Paterson. There are twelve main bowel nosodes:

  1. B. Morgan

  2. Morgan pure

  3. Morgan gaertner

  4. Dysentery co.

  5. B. Proteus

  6. Gaertner

  7. Sycotic co.

  8. Bacillus No.7

  9. B. Mutabile

  10. B. Feacalis

  11. Bacillum No. 10

  12. Coccal Co.

Each of these nosodes is made with cultures of non-lactose fermenting bacterial flora. Just like every other remedy, the symptom picture the patient is experiencing must match the proving symptoms of the nosode.

The bowel nosodes are wonderful tools and are probably far underutilized by homeopaths. Rather than include my usual closing materia medica, I’ll include a brief case that responded beautifully to a bowel nosode:

A 40-year-old woman had been diagnosed with Celiac disease as a child. For most of her life, she’d managed to avoid gluten but found that it wasn’t enough. Her diet got more and more restrictive until she was having trouble keeping weight on. She was not new to homeopathy, and although she had seen a great deal of improvement in many symptoms, the chronic diarrhea never improved. Her constitutional remedy had been so helpful it didn’t make a lot of sense that the diarrhea remained, so a bowel nosode was chosen.

This woman had a childhood of nearly continuous antibiotic use due to recurring infections, which pointed to the bowel nosode Gaertner. Three doses were given over a week. Over the next three weeks, with no repetition of the nosode and nothing else added, the diarrhea resolved. A month later, the constitutional remedy was resumed and over the following year, three more doses of the nosode were needed. Five years after that, the diarrhea has not returned and she has been able to relax her diet a great deal and keep a healthy amount of weight on.

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