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Homeopathy for Insomnia

Writer's picture: JenJen

You fall into bed after a long day, exhausted and looking forward to checking out for the night. An hour later, you’re still waiting. You toss and turn and watch the clock. Although you end up getting fitful sleep, you don’t wake up rested and you dread the start of another day.

Having difficulty sleeping is a common experience. People may have trouble nodding off in the first place or, although they fall asleep quickly, they wake frequently and can’t go back to sleep without difficulty, or at all. There are a multitude of reasons behind our inability to sleep. People with very active brains may struggle to turn them off enough to sleep, there may be challenging life circumstances keeping them awake, and insomnia can even run in families. Insomnia is certainly difficult enough to deal with on its own, and it can also contribute to other health issues, including diabetes, depression, anxiety, and heart issues.

What can you do to help get that much-needed rest? Tips related to sleep hygiene include:

-Go to bed around the same time each night and wake up around the same time each morning.

-Develop a bedtime routine and stick to it.

-Exercise regularly.

-Avoid bright lights and electronics close to bedtime.

-Limit or avoid alcohol right before bed.

There are also homeopathic remedies that can help. As always, the individual symptoms must match the remedy. Here are some to consider:

Kali phosphoricum (Kali phos, Kali-p): Sleeplessness in the latter part of the night which is caused by worry or stress. There is excessive yawning and a gloomy outlook coupled with extreme fatigue. In children, there may be night terrors.

Ignatia amara (Ign): Insomnia caused by grief or feelings of depression. There is a tendency to brooding and possibly feelings of indifference, along with excessive sighing and a desire to be alone.

Nux vomica (Nux-v): Difficulty sleeping due to anger and irritability or overuse of caffeine or alcohol. Sleep is generally light until early morning, or the person may wake too early and be unable to get back to sleep.

Coffea cruda (Coff): Inability to sleep due to constant thoughts, which increase at bedtime. There is restlessness throughout the night, with tossing and turning and possibly palpitations. Intense dreams may be a feature, and there is early waking, around 3:00 am.

Pulsatilla (Puls): Insomnia occurs in the first half of the night. There may be a fixed thought going through the mind that the person is unable to banish, along with physical restlessness. Toward morning, sleep is usually easier.

These are just a few remedies that may be helpful. There are many others to consider. If you find yourself with chronic insomnia, consider seeking the help of a professional homeopath.

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