When we work with homeopathy acutely it can seem absolutely miraculous. Someone with a cold or flu or an infection of some sort often feels almost completely better in a very short time with the correct remedy. This is not often the case when we treat constitutionally.
A chronic issue has usually been around a long time, so it makes sense that it would take a bit more time to heal. A very general rule of thumb is that it will take one month for every year the patient has had the chronic symptom. So if someone has had indigestion every night for 10 years, we might expect 10 months before it’s resolved. This isn’t to say there won’t be improvement along on the way. We should see consistent improvement as we go. It’s also an extremely general guideline. Some may need more time and some significantly less.
While working homeopathically we want to see mental and emotional symptoms, such as anxiety and sleep, improving either first or in concert with physical symptoms. For example, if a patient with eczema and depression sees vast improvements in the skin symptoms but the depression is either the same or is worsening, we are moving in the wrong direction, toward suppression. A different remedy is needed. What we want to see in this particular case is improvement in the depressive symptoms first, or improvement in both depression and skin symptoms at the same time.
An interesting observation was put forth by Dr. Constantine Hering called Hering’s Law of Cure. These observations have stood the test of time and are a helpful guide when assessing remedy progress. According to the Law of Cure, we should see symptoms resolve from above downward, from within outward, from more important to lesser important organs, and in the reverse order of their appearance. Here are some examples:
From above downward: Arthritic pain in the spine moves away from the spine into the hips and then the knees before resolving.
From within outward: As asthmatic symptoms improve, a rash appears on the skin.
From more important to less important organs: Chronic heart symptoms improve as digestive symptoms worsen before healing.
In reverse order of their appearance: The most recent symptoms are the first to resolve and then we work backward to the beginning of the disease state. Someone with heartburn that developed two years after migraines began could expect improvements in heartburn before improvement in migraines.
Materia medica

Lilium tigrinum (Lil-t): Intense and full of rage with a strong inner conflict between morality and sexuality. Among the most irritable of all our remedies. No matter what is said, the patient is likely to take offense. This may alternate between kindness and terrible irritation. Everyone walks on egg shells around this person. There is a craving for meat. In women there is a bearing down sensation similar to Sepia, as if the organs would prolapse