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Cell Salts

Writer's picture: JenJen

Cell Salts were developed in the 19th century by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler. They are also known as tissue salts, Schuessler salts, or biochemic remedies. They are developed according to homeopathic principles and are available in 3X, 6X, and 12X. I have found the 6X potency to be most effective, which is the same potency preferred by Dr. Schuessler. When the cell salts are prepared in higher potencies, such as 30C, they are remedies like any other and can be prescribed in that way.

The purpose of the cell salts is to regulate minerals within the cells. Schuessler believed that if cells are low in certain minerals, it can lay the groundwork for disease. There are twelve different cell salts, all of which provide micro nutrients directly to the cells. The twelve salts are found in all human cells and tissues.

These salts can be used one at a time or in combination. Your homeopath may suggest you take one or more of them if they believe you would benefit from that support. Some prescribe them alongside a constitutional remedy and some like to focus on the cell salts alone for certain conditions. This might be appropriate in the recovery phase after an illness, for example.

There are cell salt repertories, which should be followed when choosing the appropriate salts. Let’s take a brief look at how cell salts can be helpful.

Calcarea fluorica (Calc fluor): Deficiencies in the periosteum (covering of bone), tooth enamel, and elastic fibers in any structure. Dilation of blood vessels, varicose veins, uterine prolapse; anything that involves relaxation of the elastic tissues. Lung conditions with yellow lumpy expectoration. All symptoms are worse in damp weather.

Calcarea phosphoricum (Calc phos): Anemia, issues with teething, indigestion, deficient growth or development. Any bone disease, emaciation with no evident reason, spinal weakness or curvature. Helpful in healing broken bones after they have been set. Symptoms are worse from cold, change of weather, and getting wet.

Calcarea sulphuricum (Calc sulph): Abscesses, boils, suppurations (discharging pus), pustules; anything where suppuration has already occurred or where it may occur. Swelling of the soft parts of the connective tissue. Advanced stages of lung disease. Symptoms are worse from getting wet and from washing.

Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferrum phos): Acute inflammations and fevers, given in the initial stages. This salt’s affinity for oxygen allows it to carry oxygen to all areas of the body. Abnormal conditions of the corpuscles and the blood, including anemia. Pneumonia, urinary incontinence, gastritis. Symptoms are worse from motion and better from cold.

Kali muriaticum (Kali mur): The second stage of inflammatory diseases, usually following Ferrum phos. Inflammation of serous membranes. Glandular swelling, thick white fibrous expectorations, a white or gray coating of the tongue. Stomach conditions with pale yellow diarrhea. Symptoms are worse from motion or from rich, fatty foods.

Kali phosphoricum (Kali phos): Conditions of the brain, nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. Prostration, depression, difficulty thinking, paralysis, epilepsy. Dizziness from lack of sleep, nervous headache, dark coating on the tongue. Helpful for focus when studying intensely. Symptoms are worse from noise, from physical exertion whether mental or physical, rising from a sitting position, and cold. They are ameliorated by gentle motion.

Kali sulphuricum (Kali sulph): Used for the third stage of inflammatory conditions. Like Ferrum phos, this salt carries oxygen. Secretions are light yellow, watery, and sticky. There are yellow deposits on the tongue. Amenorrhea or periods which are too late and too scanty accompanied by abdominal fullness and heaviness. Symptoms are worse in warm rooms and toward evening. They are better in the cool open air.

Magnesia phosphoricum (Mag phos): Cramps, spasms, epilepsy. Any malady with an origin in nerve cells and muscle tissue. Lean, nervous patients with high anxiety. Very tired and easily exhausted. Neuralgic pains in any area. Pains can be excruciating and feel like lighting or feel shooting or boring. Their location changes frequently and they are usually worse on the right side. Symptoms are worse from cold air, washing in cold water, and from touch. They are better from bending double and from warmth.

Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur): Thin, clear, watery secretions. Intermittent fevers, skin diseases, hay fever. Balances the water distribution in the body, acting on the lymphatic system, liver, spleen, and blood. Herpetic eruptions (cold sores), and other skin diseases with watery secretions. Constipation with a dull headache. Gout, chronic swellings of lymphatic and sebaceous glands.

Natrum phosphoricum (Nat phos): Gastrointestinal disorders with acidic or sour symptoms. Whenever there is an excess of lactic acid. Sour belching, sour smelling diarrhea, fevers with acid and sour smelling perspiration. Thick yellow coating of the tongue. Eye conditions with a creamy yellow discharge.

Natrum sulphuricum (Nat sulph): Intermittent fevers, headaches, diarrhea, diabetes. Eliminates excess water from the blood. Dirty brown or gray coating at the root of the tongue. Dark green stool. Smooth red, shiny eruptions. Asthma aggravated by a change to damp weather. Skin conditions with moist, yellowish scales. Symptoms are worse in the morning, in damp weather, and lying on the left side. Better in warm, dry weather and in open air.

Silicea (Sil): Chronic suppurations and ulcerations, tonsillitis, glandular swellings. Predominantly acts on the bones, joints, skin, glands, and mucus surfaces. For constitutions which need nourishment. Promotes suppuration. Constipation with fetid foot sweats. Styes, gout, chronic stomach conditions, copious night sweats. Symptoms are worse at night and in the open air. Better from heat and from warm applications.

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