For homeopaths at any level interested in a very in depth discussion of the current genus, Jeremy Sherr has posted extremely helpful (and free) webinars:!free-webinar-jeremy-sherrs-third-update-on-the-coronavirus-genus-epidemicus/YNKmb/
The genus varies according to the homeopath gathering the information. I suspect it also varies by location. The remedies which appear to be most effective in the current genus, according to Jeremy Sherr (and information gathered from a very large number of homeopaths) are Antimonium tartaricum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum acidum, and Bryonia. There are other, possibly less helpful, remedies, but as of now, these seem to be the shining stars.
Repost from a couple months ago:
Genus epidemicus is a term used by homeopaths to refer to the most common remedy or remedies which are useful in a particular disease. Any time an acute disease is affecting large numbers of people, there will be a good number of similar symptoms. These symptoms are used to discover which remedy or remedies might work best to combat the disease. In the 1918 Spanish Flu, the remedy was Gelsemium, with secondary remedies being Bryonia and Eupatorium. (All of these continue to be very helpful for influenza) Homeopathic hospitals were very successful, with a mortality rate of around 1% overall, in contrast to other hospitals' rates of around 30%. More about this here:…/vol-7-no-1-springsummer-1998/influenza-…/
The best approach is always prevention! Eat well, wash your hands often, and avoid contact with people who are sick. A constitutional remedy also helps to maintain health. And, as always, if you have concerning symptoms, seek medical attention.