The dreaded “stomach flu”. The term is a misnomer, as it is not the flu at all, but an infection which leads to some very uncomfortable symptoms. It is most often viral in nature, but could also be caused by bacteria. Gastroenteritis includes vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches, fever, and other symptoms. Watch for symptoms of dehydration, which will need to be evaluated by a physician, including sunken eyes, rapid respiration and heart rate, lack of alertness, and little to no urination.

If you find yourself or one of your family with the stomach flu, there are remedies which can help:
Arsenicum album (Ars) is generally chilly and feels better with heat. There is burning diarrhea which might be yellowish. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur at the same time. Mentally, the patient is very restless and feels better if their environment is clean and orderly. They are thirsty and want small sips rather than big gulps of water.
Phosphorus (Phos) also has burning diarrhea which tends to be more greenish or mucousy than yellow (as with ars). They are fearful and do not want to be left alone or to be in the dark. Food and drink are vomited shortly after they are taken, even small amounts. This person also craves ice cold water.
Nux vomica (Nux-v) is irritable, even angry. They are hypersensitive to all external stimuli such as being questioned and to sound and light. There is a good deal of empty retching and cramping pains. A keynote of this remedy is “wants to but can’t”. In the case of gastroenteritis, they may have difficulty throwing up or going to the bathroom even though they want to in order to find relief.
Veratrum album (Verat) has cold perspiration on
the forehead during diarrhea and vomiting. They have extreme thirst for cold water and want to eat sour foods. The diarrhea is worse from movement and may be involuntary. Both diarrhea and vomiting and sudden and forceful.
Ipecacuanha (Ipecac, Ip) presents with with violent “deathly” nausea which is not relieved by vomiting. There is a great deal of salivation. After vomiting they experience faintness or vertigo.
Podophyllum (Podo) has a great deal of rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. The cramping pain that arrives before the diarrhea is relieved by bending forward. The diarrhea is watery, profuse, even explosive. There is an empty, sinking, or anxious feeling after stool.