I see articles on occasion discussing the “outrageous” amounts alternative medicine practitioners charge. I strongly disagree with this perspective, at least as far as homeopathy is concerned. This is not meant to push anyone in one direction or the other, but merely a cost comparison.
Assuming a person decides to visit an allopathic doctor, the average initial cost is $386 in the US as of 2019. If you are lucky, you may get 20 minutes of the doctor’s time. Longer visits will cost more. An MD in my area who spends a full hour with his initial patients charges $450. Of course, insurance may cover some of this, but that is another very high monthly expense, and as most plans are now high deductible, those without serious medical needs are likely to pay the entire fee out of pocket. Follow-up visits are, on average, between $186 and $300 for a non-specialist. The amount of time spent with the doctor for this type of appointment is typically between five and fifteen minutes. Also to be considered are additional tests and prescription drugs, both of which can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars, even for those with insurance.
When visiting a homeopath, one can expect to pay between $220 and $700 for an initial visit in most areas. The appointment is between 60 and 90 minutes, on average, with the entire time being spent with the homeopath. There should be no additional tests required and the cost of a homeopathic remedy is normally between $10 and $25 depending on potency and may last for months or years. Follow-up visits are generally between $85 and $250 and are between 30 and 60 minutes. These appointments are often from 6 to 8 weeks apart, and only continue as long as they are necessary to ensure the remedy is working. Many homeopaths (including myself) also offer limited support between visits at no cost.
This comparison makes the affordability of homeopathy clear.
Materia medica

Apis mellifera is made from honeybee. Some of the remedy’s keynotes include swelling and burning or stinging pain as we would expect to see if a person were stung by a bee. There may be impairment of memory, and the patient feels a need to always be occupied (the busy bee). The edema may occur anywhere on the body and could be painless. This patient may struggle with feelings of jealousy and a fear of being poisoned. There is great sensitiveness to touch as well as soreness of various parts.